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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Workshop on Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE'08)

by Martin Frericks last modified 2008-08-21 12:20

at the 3rd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL08) in Maastricht, The Netherlands

/17 September 2008

September 17-19, 2008


A change in perspective can be certified in the recent years to technology-enhanced learning research and development: More and more learning applications on the web are putting the learner centre stage, not the organisation. They empower learners with capabilities to customize and even construct their own personal learning environments (PLEs).

These PLEs typically consist of distributed web-applications and services that support system-spanning collaborative and individual learning activities in formal as well as informal settings.

Technologically speaking, this shift manifests in a learning web where information is distributed across sites and activities can easily encompass the use of a greater number of pages and services offered through web-based learning applications. Mash-ups, the frankensteining of software artefacts and data, have emerged to be the software development approach for these long-tail and perpetual-beta niche markets. Core technologies facilitating this paradigm shift are Ajax, javascript-based widget-collections, and microformats that help to glue together public web APIs in individual applications.

In a wide range of European IST-funded research projects such as iCamp, LTfLL, LUISA, Palette, and TENcompetence a rising passion for these technologies can be identified.

This workshop therefore serves as a forum to bring together researchers and developers from these projects and an open public that have an interest in understanding and engineering mash-up personal learning environments (MUPPLEs).


09:00 Welcome Message & Keynote (t.b.a.)

09:40 Felix M"dritscher, Fridolin Wild, Steinn Sigurdarson: Language Design for a Personal Learning Environment Design Language (Long Paper)

10:10 Juan I. Asensio-Perez, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Eduardo Gomez-Sanchez, Eloy D. Villasclaras-Fernandez: Adding mash-up based tailorability to VLEs for scripted Collaborative Learning (Short Paper)

10:30 Luis de la Fuente Valentín, Derick Leony, Abelardo Pardo, Carlos Delgado Kloos: Mashups in Learning Design: pushing the flexibility envelope (Long Paper)

  • 10 min break -

11:10 Scott Wilson, Paul Sharples, Dai Griffiths: Distributing education services to personal and institutional systems using Widgets (Long Paper)

11:40 Stéphane Sire, Alain Vagner: Increasing Widgets Interoperability at the Portal Level (Short Paper)

12:00 Oskar Casquero, Javier Portillo, Ramón Ovelar, Jesús Romo, Manuel Benito: iGoogle and gadgets as a platform for integrating institutional and external services (Short Paper)

12:20 Evgeny Bogdanov, Christophe Salzmann, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet: Social Software Modeling and Mashup based on Actors, Activities and Assets (Short Paper)

  • lunch break -

13:30 Hannes Ebner, Matthias Palmer: A Mashup-friendly Resource and Metadata Management Framework (Long Paper)

14:00 Ahmet Soylu, Selahattin Kuru, Fridolin Wild, Felix Mödritscher: A Learning Object Harvesting Model and a Sample Application (Long Paper)

14:30 Riina Vuorikari: A case study on teachers' use of social tagging tools to create collections of resources - and how to consolidate them (Short Paper)

  • 10 min break -

15:00 Sebastian Weber, Ludger Thomas, Eric Ras: Investigating the Suitability of Mashups for Informal Learning and Personal Knowledge Management (Long Paper)

15:30 Graham Attwell: Maturing learning: Mash up Personal Learning Environments (Long Paper)

  • 10 min break -

16:10 Problem Sharing: Future Challenges (open discussion)

17:00 end (s.t.)


The aim of this workshop is to bring together the various research and development groups in technology-enhanced learning that currently focus on the development of the next generation learning environments -- learning environments that put the individual centre stage and empower learners with design capabilities by deploying modern mash-up principles to establish system-spanning interoperability.

As this approach is rather young, the workshop seeks to attract both research results and work in progress in order to chart out the current state-of-the-art of MUPPLEs in TEL and to define main enablers and future challenges. Naturally, it will serve as a forum for establishing new collaborations.

Using the presentations as impulses and continuing post-talk debates, the workshop will conclude the day with an open discussion exchanging ideas, summing up, and defining a medium- to long-term research agenda.

The workshop is supported by the European Commission as a concertation activity between especially the European Projects iCamp, LUISA, LTfLL, Palette, and TENcompetence.


  • Abelardo Pardo (University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) Ajith Ranabahu (Wright State University, Ohio) Dai Griffith (University of Bolton, UK) Denis Gillet (EPFL, Switzerland) Effie Law (University of Leicester, United Kingdom) Fabrizio Giorgini (Giunti, Italy) Felix Mödritscher (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria) Graham Atwell (Pontydysgu, United Kingdom) Gytis Cibulskis (Kaunas Technical University, Lithuania) Mart Laanpere (Tallinn University, Estonia) Martin Wolpers (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany) Mohamed Amine Chatti (RWTH Aachen, Germany) Nikos Karacapilidis (University of Patras, Greece) Scott Wilson (University of Bolton, United Kingdom) Stéphane Sire (EPFL, Switzerland) * Tony Hirst (Open University, UK)

The workshop proceedings will be published online as part of the CEUR Workshop proceedings series. is a recognized ISSN publication series, with ISSN 1613-0073. Furthermore, some contributions will be selected for a special issue of the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning or the IEEE Transaction on Learning Technology.

  • Fridolin Wild (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria) Matthias Palmer (University of Upsala, Sweden) Marco Kalz (Open University, The Netherlands)



REGISTRATION Please use the registration link on the website.


After two successful EC-TEL conferences in 2006 and 2007, the Third European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning provides a unique forum for all research related to TEL, among them education, psychology, and computer science. The contributions will cover the design of innovative environments, the implementation of new technological solutions, results of empirical studies on socio-cognitive processes in learning, and field studies regarding the use of technologies in context.

EC-TEL is a competitive and broad forum for TEL research in Europe and beyond. In its specialised accompanying workshops and the highlighting main conference programme, EC-TEL08 provides unique networking possibilities for participating researchers throughout the week and includes project meetings and discussions for ongoing and new research activities supported by the European Commission. See for details.


All questions should be sent to: mupple08 @