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PROLEARN Academy Newsletter 07-05-2007

May 07, 2007

Dear reader,

this is the release of the weekly PROLEARN Academy Newsletter. With this approach we wish to inform you respecting the news in PROLEARN Academy about which are the new added elements, which are the events organized for the next week and some information about the projects registered in PROLEARN Academy.

*** Events in the next 7 days

Place: Florianopolis, Date: 2007-05-07 - 2007-05-09
ICBL2007 will be held from May 7 - 9, 2007 in Florianopolis, Brazil. HOTEL TORRES DA CACHOEIRA

There is additional information in

*** New Call For Papers

IEEE ICDM Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures (MGCS2007)
Call-Art: Workshop, Paper submission deadline: 2007-06-22
Call for papers -- ICDM MGCS Workshop 2007 - IEEE ICDM Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures (MGCS2007) - In conjunction with the Seventh IEEE Int. Conf. of Data Mining (ICDM 2007) October 28, 2007, Omaha, NE, USA

International Conference on e-Education 2007
Call-Art: Conference, Paper submission deadline: 2007-05-31
Call for Papers International Conference on e-Education 2007 - one part of international multi-conferences on e-Commerce, Administration, Society, and Education (e-CASE), August 15-17, 2007, Harbour Plaza Hotel, Hong Kong

There is additional information in

*** PROLEARN Academy - Measure

Our auto observation tool for scientific communities contains at present 559 projects, of which 98 are newsfeeds, 83 newsletters, 309 web sites and 69 mailinglists. The number of catched entries totals 7092 for the feeds, of which 1362 were retrieved last week. For the newsletters totals 1777 entries, of which 15 were retrieved last week and for the mailinglists 50485 entries, of which 632 last week.

The feed project with the highest activity level last week was Feeds, with 407 entries, 287 more than the top-project of the week before - Feeds. The top mailinglist project last week was LM_NET: Library media specialist information exchange, with 221 entries, 76 less than the top-project of the week before - LM_NET: Library media specialist information exchange.

There is additional information about the projects in

We are continuously enlarging our project database.

*** Last week were added 64 new projects. These are the following:

14 Feeds

  Category: General, Information, Organization; in German; none

  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
Educause Quarterly
  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
K12 Online Conference

  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
‘absolutely intercultural!’

  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none

  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
e-learning, conocimiento en red y web2.0

  Category: General, Information, Organization; Unknown language; none
Networked Learning and academic research

  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
Create an intranet. Blog. Podcast. Manage the school website, and all the club websites. Create a private workspace. Manage a class. Share files. Give students the tools to build portfolios that cross academic years and curricular disciplines. Support teacher professional development. Communicate with parents. Build a safe social networking environment within your school community. OpenAcademic can do it.
  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none hjälper dig hitta det mest intressanta på internet. Våra användare väljer ut, "sovrar", det de tycker är intressant och de populäraste länkarna visas på förstasidan. Bli medlem och börja sovra du med, det är självklart gratis!
  Category: General, Information, Organization; Unknown language; none
Streaming Media, an Information Today Inc. company, is a diversified news media company serving and educating the streaming media industry and community. Originally founded in 1998, the company was sold by Penton Media to Information Today Inc. in December of 2002. Our business consists of three core areas:, exhibitions and conferences, and research and publications. Lead by a team of recognized industry experts, Streaming Media is dedicated to providing industry professionals and corporations utilizing digital media technology with global real-time news, resources and services through editorial, discussion lists, feature articles, and much more.
  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
BlogTogether is a community of bloggers in North Carolina who gather together to explore online communication and personal expression.
  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
AgentLink III is the premier Co-ordination Action for Agent Based Computing, funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Program. Launched on 1st January, 2004, it provides support for the network of European researchers and developers with a common interest in agent technology through events aimed at industry outreach, and standardisation issues, as well as providing support for academic events and providing resources through the AgentLink Portal.
  Category: General, Information, Organization; in English; none
Semantic Web School
Die Semantic Web School - Zentrum für Wissenstransfer bietet branchenübergreifende Transferleistungen in den Bereichen semantische Technologien, Web2.0 und Social Software durch Lehrgänge, Inhouse-Schulungen, Studien, F&E-Projekte, Medien und Veranstaltungen für Wissenschaft und Praxis an.
  Category: General, Information, Organization; in German; none

5 Newsletters
Streaming Media, an Information Today Inc. company, is a diversified news media company serving and educating the streaming media industry and community. Originally founded in 1998, the company was sold by Penton Media to Information Today Inc. in December of 2002. Our business consists of three core areas:, exhibitions and conferences, and research and publications. Lead by a team of recognized industry experts, Streaming Media is dedicated to providing industry professionals and corporations utilizing digital media technology with global real-time news, resources and services through editorial, discussion lists, feature articles, and much more.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Semantic Web School
Die Semantic Web School - Zentrum für Wissenstransfer bietet branchenübergreifende Transferleistungen in den Bereichen semantische Technologien, Web2.0 und Social Software durch Lehrgänge, Inhouse-Schulungen, Studien, F&E-Projekte, Medien und Veranstaltungen für Wissenschaft und Praxis an.
  Category: N.A.; in German

  Category: N.A.; in English
Technical Knowledge Management Online Resources
  Category: N.A.; in English
Promoting innovation in lifelong learning
  Category: N.A.; in English

45 Web Pages
Learning with games 2007
The aim of “Learning with Games” is to promote excellence in the research, production and deployment of Serious Games to support the learning of individuals within the academic, industrial and business environments. The conference covers a wide range of topics, categorized into game development, game design, content creation, mobile games, production, business, user studies, and deployment. The conference will create a multi-disciplinary forum where researchers, developers, artists, producers and industrial and academic users come together to share ideas, knowledge and experience. Moreover Learning with Games 2007 will be to showcase the new approach to the learning that can be achieved using games, making education and training fun and enjoyable. The conference invites leaders from industry, government, funding agencies and academia to join together to exchange ideas/views on the new learning and training tools. Moreover attendees will also able to concretely see the results of these new approaches and evaluate their impact.
  Category: N.A.; in English
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2007)
Due to its potential to make learning easier, more convenient, and more effective, education is one of the preeminent areas of applications for multimedia.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Learning Networks in Practice
This is the conference environment for the virtual conference "Learning Networks in Practice" organized by the Master of Science programme in Active Learning and the Learning Technology Development Programme of the Educational Technology Expertise Centre of the Open University Netherlands.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Third International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning 2007
The Third International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning will be held at The University of Southern Queensland Springfield Campus.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Learning networks in practice
  Category: N.A.; in English
EC-TEL 2007
Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - “Creating new learning experiences on a global scale”
  Category: N.A.; in English
PerU 2007
Mit dem rasanten Entwicklungsfortschritt hochmobiler Netzwerktechnologien und Geräte eröffnen sich neuartige Perspektiven für verschiedenste Anwendungsgebiete. Zukünftige Interaktionsformen werden neben klassischen Arbeitsplatzrechnern und Notebooks auch andere Infrastrukturen umfassen. In Verbindung mit dem durch proaktive, kontextorientierte Dienste erzielbaren Mehrwert tritt die Technik in den Hintergrund zurück und unterstützt zugleich den Nutzer auf vielfältige Weise durch mehr Komfort und Transparenz in seinen täglichen Handlungen. Pervasive Computing ist eine wichtige Schlüsseltechnologie, die Aus- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen nicht nur im akademischen Umfeld optimieren und modernisieren wird. Eine Pervasive University stellt somit die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Konzepts der Notebook University dar.
  Category: N.A.; in German
Foslet 2007
A look into the free future of learning
  Category: N.A.; in English
IFIP Working Group 3.4
Professional and Vocational Education in Information and Communications Technologies WG3.4. is focused on the area of professional and vocational education rather than on specific computing curricula in primary, secondary or tertiary educational institutions. The membership of WG3.4 comprises academics and IT practitioners whose interests are reflected in the conference activities organised by the Working Group over recent years. These include the use of computer-mediated education, the on-going professional education of both IT and non-IT professionals, the activities of national IT professional bodies, the delivery of effective IT vocational education to post-secondary students and the integration of IT into other tertiary curricula.
  Category: N.A.; in German
Base of the Pyramide Protocol
The BoP Protocol™ is a pioneering business incubation process that enables multinational corporations (MNCs) to generate new business opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid. Based on a participatory philosophy, the BoP Protocol™ is a model for business co-creation that marries MNCs’ resources, technologies and best practices with those of the community.
  Category: N.A.; in English
SMILE Portal
This Portal intends to promote access to the European Vocational Training by facilitating searching, sharing and reuse of mTraining Resources and/or mTraining Activities. To learn more about the SMILE Project as well as the SMILE Tools and Services please refer to the available menus!
  Category: N.A.; in English
Dokeos is an Open Source elearning and course management web application translated in 34 languages and helping more than 1.000 organisations worldwide to manage learning and collaboration activities. Dokeos is also a company helping these organisations launch and develop blended learning programmes.
  Category: N.A.; in English
E-Learning Themasite
Op deze site vindt u praktijkvoorbeelden en achtergronden over e-learning en elektronische leeromgevingen in het hoger onderwijs. Deze site is er voor iedereen die onderwijsinnovatie met ICT in het hoger onderwijs tot stand wil brengen: coördinatoren, onderwijsmanagers en projectleiders, adviseurs, onderwijskundigen, docent-trainers, docent-ondersteuners, courseware ontwikkelaars, beleidsmakers, en docenten en studenten.
  Category: N.A.; Unknown language
Becta leads the national drive to improve learning through technology. We do this by working with industry to ensure we have the right technology for education in place. We also work to support the education workforce to make the best use of technology to improve learning. So that every learner in the UK is able to benefit from the advantages technology brings, thereby helping them achieve the best they can.
  Category: N.A.; in English

  Category: N.A.; in German
The world's premier online directory of education
  Category: N.A.; in English
Educause Quarterly
  Category: N.A.; in English
Die Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung in Dillingen/Donau hat seit August 2003 den Auftrag vom Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus erhalten, als Regelangebot für alle Schularten zu betreiben.
  Category: N.A.; in German
Networked Learning and academic research

  Category: N.A.; in English
Learn2 specializes in the training of Microsoft Office & Windows software, business skills, sales training, communication, writing techniques, Defensive Driving, Human Resource topics and much more.
  Category: N.A.; in English
SimTeach is a place for university instructional designers, faculty and administrators to find information and to share their own experiences designing, teaching and administering classes in immersive environments.
  Category: N.A.; in English
e-learning for Kids
In today's complex world, children's futures are determined by their ability to master the basics of reading, science, math, and computers. Yet costs, class sizes, and other issues often prevent children access to quality online learning that can support and reinforce these essential skills.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Create an intranet. Blog. Podcast. Manage the school website, and all the club websites. Create a private workspace. Manage a class. Share files. Give students the tools to build portfolios that cross academic years and curricular disciplines. Support teacher professional development. Communicate with parents. Build a safe social networking environment within your school community. OpenAcademic can do it.
  Category: N.A.; in English
eLearning Guild
The eLearning Guild is a Community of Practice for e-Learning design, development, and management professionals. The Guild offers members high-quality learning opportunities, networking services, resources, and publications. Members represent a diverse group of managers, directors, and executives focused on training and learning services, as well as e-Learning instructional designers, content developers, web developers, project managers, contractors, and consultants. Guild members work in a variety of settings including corporate, government, and academic organizations. All members share a common interest in e-Learning design, development, and management.
  Category: N.A.; in English
beaversity ist die neue Lernplattform für Studenten zur gemeinsamen Klausurvorbereitung. Hier kann jeder kostenlos Lernkarten erstellen und sie mit anderen teilen. Den Preis für deine Karten legst du selbst fest. Lernkarten können kommentiert und Lernkisten bewertet werden. Mit der Suchfunktion nach Universität, Professor/in, Fach und Schlagwort entdeckst du neues Wissen und findest deine eigenen Daten leicht wieder.
  Category: N.A.; in German
Institute for Personal Robots in Education
The Institute for Personal Robots in Education (IPRE) applies and evaluates robots as a context for computer science education. IPRE is a joint effort between Georgia Tech and Bryn Mawr College sponsored by Microsoft Research. At Georgia Tech, IPRE is associated with Robotics and the College of Computing. At Bryn Mawr College, IPRE is associated with the Computer Science Department.
  Category: N.A.; in English
EdITLib Digital Library
The EdITLib Digital Library is your source for peer-reviewed and published articles and papers on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling is a fantastic way to engage students, teachers and just about anyone else who has ever wanted to be the next Ken Burns or Steven Spielberg. There are many different definitions of "digital storytelling," but in general, all of them revolve around the idea of combining the longstanding art of telling stories with any of a variety of available multimedia tools, including graphics, audio, video animation, and Web publishing.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Steirische Wirtschaftsförderung - SFG
Ob UnternehmensgründerIn oder lang bestehender Traditionsbetrieb, die Steirische Wirtschaftsförderung - SFG bietet steirischen Unternehmen ein breites Spektrum an Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten und agiert dabei als One-Stop-Shop.
  Category: N.A.; in German
Streaming Media, an Information Today Inc. company, is a diversified news media company serving and educating the streaming media industry and community. Originally founded in 1998, the company was sold by Penton Media to Information Today Inc. in December of 2002. Our business consists of three core areas:, exhibitions and conferences, and research and publications. Lead by a team of recognized industry experts, Streaming Media is dedicated to providing industry professionals and corporations utilizing digital media technology with global real-time news, resources and services through editorial, discussion lists, feature articles, and much more.
  Category: N.A.; in English
LTT Global Communications
LTT Global Communications participating and contributing towards realizing the National IT Agenda. We want to lead and be a leader in mobile learning (m-learning) and mobile commerce (m-commerce) solutions globally. Making learning accessible and affordable for all anywhere … anytime.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Change and Resistance
An international conference on social transformations and education.
  Category: N.A.; in English
International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media

  Category: N.A.; in English
Forschungszentrum L3S - iSearch
The iSearch project gathers our Information Retrieval and Ranking research. We focus on three specific target areas: The World Wide Web, Peer2Peer Networks, and more recently, Personal Computers.
  Category: N.A.; in German
Forschungszentrum L3S - KoALA
The aim of the KoALA project is to develop net based strategies of teaching and learning for a permanent qualification of teachers and trainees. For this, didactically edited information and learning materials are provided in a way that they can be used cooperatively by teachers and apprentices for situational supported self qualification processes. The teacher has thus the possibility to improve his knowledge together with the trainee during the actual course of studies (“learning by teaching”). A crucial advantage of this strategy is that the teacher is released from the medium of expert knowledge and concentrates more on the tasks of a learning adjuster, moderator and advisor, and also on the special support of weak trainees.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Forschungszentrum L3S - CoData
Scientific primary data here means: primary data coupled with its bibliographical description (metadata). In principle, scientists are prepared to provide data, but for the time being it is unusual to appreciate the necessary extra work for processing, context documentation and quality assurance. The classical mode of distributing scientific results is their publication in professional journals. These articles in magazines are recorded in the "citation index". The index is used for a performance evaluation of scientists. Data publications have not been taken into account until now. The working hypothesis is a "Scientific and Thechnical Data-DOI" in the responsibility of science. Organising primary data DOI in the field of science allows e.g. access rules without commercial background. The copyright might remain with data producers.
  Category: N.A.; in English
L3S - iLabs
In an internet assisted laboratory (online lab) the lab devices are controlled and programmed through a web browser at a remote computer. A user-controlled webcam allows monitoring the devices' behavior. As an online lab can be used from many locations, it can be utilized better than a conventional lab.
  Category: N.A.; in English
L3S - MoRob
In recent years, autonomous mobile robots have developed into a very popular topic with high visibility in media like television, newspapers and the internet. Their use in research, entertainment and industrial applications is constantly rising. Going along with this development is an increasing number of robotics courses offered at universities, as well as dissertation projects in this area. At the same time, robots offer an excellent tool for teaching a number of different disciplines. Robotics is an interdisciplinary topic involving components from mechanical, electrical, control, and computer engineering. A key component of robotics is the need to integrate these disciplines in order to construct systems. Consequently robotics offers an excellent basis for teaching individual disciplines as well as their integration into systems.
  Category: N.A.; in English
JXTA™ technology is a set of open protocols that allow any connected device on the network ranging from cell phones and wireless PDAs to PCs and servers to communicate and collaborate in a P2P manner. JXTA is the industry-leading P2P technology, supported by over 30,000 members worldwide with downloads exceeding 12 Million.
  Category: N.A.; in English
L3S - PeerTrust
In the PeerTrust project we are developing and investigating policy languages to describe trust and security requirements on the Semantic Web. Such policies will be one component of a run-time system that can negotiate to establish trust on the Semantic Web. The PeerTrust system uses guarded distributed logic programs as the basis for a simple yet expressive policy and trust negotiation language, built upon the rule layer of the Semantic Web layer cake.
  Category: N.A.; in English
AgentLink III is the premier Co-ordination Action for Agent Based Computing, funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Program. Launched on 1st January, 2004, it provides support for the network of European researchers and developers with a common interest in agent technology through events aimed at industry outreach, and standardisation issues, as well as providing support for academic events and providing resources through the AgentLink Portal.
  Category: N.A.; in English
A.I.M.A.T.S.H.A.P.E. - Advanced and Innovative Models And Tools for the development of Semantic-based systems for Handling, Acquiring, and Processing knowledge Embedded in multidimensional digital objects
  Category: N.A.; in English
Semantic Web School
Die Semantic Web School - Zentrum für Wissenstransfer bietet branchenübergreifende Transferleistungen in den Bereichen semantische Technologien, Web2.0 und Social Software durch Lehrgänge, Inhouse-Schulungen, Studien, F&E-Projekte, Medien und Veranstaltungen für Wissenschaft und Praxis an.
  Category: N.A.; in German
COLLABORATIVE OPEN ENVIRONMENT FOR PROJECT-CENTERED LEARNING is an EU funded collaborative specific targeted research project from the sixth framework programme of the Information Society Technologies IST (contract No. FP6 IST - 027073) that was officially launched on 1 December 2005. The COOPER project is dedicated to supporting long-distance cooperation of teams of students working on complex projects, assuming that the students and advisors are geographically dispersed and have heterogeneous backgrounds and competencies.
  Category: N.A.; in English
Workshop on latent semantic analysis in technology enhanced learning
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) has been successfully deployed in various educational applications to enrich learning and teaching with information-technology. The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together experts in the field in order to share knowledge gained within the scattered research about latent semantic analysis in educational applications, in particular from the context of the IST projects Cooper , iCamp , TenCompetence , and ProLearn .
  Category: N.A.; in English