BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20160418T064132Z CREATED:20131210T140754Z UID:ATEvent-507730acf7145098ef2800c06976d027 LAST-MODIFIED:20160411T161936Z SUMMARY:12th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning DTSTART:20160618T160000Z DTEND:20160625T090000Z DESCRIPTION:We are pleased to announce the 12th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning\, to take place from Monday\, J une 20th to Friday\, June 24th\, 2016 in Estonia. Pre-summer school ac tivities are organized all day on Sunday\, June 19th.\n \nThe summer s chool aims to encourage participants to adopt a critical stance in thi nking about the role of technologies in providing opportunities for le arners and the potential of these opportunities in terms of learning. The summer school provides a stimulating learning environment where pa rticipants are given opportunities to\: develop research skills\; incr ease their knowledge base\; collaborate with others in their own and c omplementary research areas\; engage in debate\; have access to expert s in the field\; and discuss their own work. The programme covers topi cs from a broad range of domains which contribute to advancing the fie ld of Technology Enhanced Learning. TEL research projects are encourag ed to provide doctoral candidates with a perspective of the state-of-t he-art research under study in their working groups. The programme wil l also include practical and methodological workshops as well as oppor tunities for doctoral candidates to develop their personal research an d discuss their doctoral work. Upon request we can provide a certifica te for the institution of the participant stating how many lectures / workshops and individual work was delivered. For this summer school th e overarching theme is learning analytics. LOCATION:Tallinn CATEGORIES:Summer School CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR