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EC-TEL'07 - Paper Submission

by Zinayida Petrushyna last modified Jun 25, 2007 10:10 AM

The submission system for EC-TEL'07 is open now!

Please submit a paper.

The chairhelper submission system is developed and maintained by Know-Center Graz, Austria.

All submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity by three reviewers. The proceedings will be published in Springer LNCS ( For camera-ready format instructions, please see "For Authors" instructions at The page limit is 15 pages for full papers, 6 pages for posters. Selected papers will be considered for special issues of relevant journals. Workshop descriptions will be published in the conference proceedings.

When sending your final files, please include a readme informing the Contact Volume Editor which of your names is/are your first name(s) and which is/are your family name(s). This is particularly important for Spanish and Chinese names. Authors are listed alphabetically according to their surnames in the author index.

There are three alternatives for copyright transfer forms:

  • Please, send the form to the fax +49/241/8022321.
  • Please, send the form to [email protected] as an attachment.
  • Please, send the form zipped together with the CRC.

Document Actions

Workshop Proposals

Posted by Joe Pulichino at Feb 02, 2010 04:28 PM
Please, what are the guidelines for submission of a workshop proposal?

Workshop Proposal Guidelines

Posted by Ralf Klamma at Feb 02, 2010 04:28 PM

Papers describing the workshop proposal should not exceed 6 pages (single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman style font). Workshop proposals should include a short statement describing the background and of each of the organizers, clearly illustrating their expertise in this topic. Workshop proposers should outline the names and topics of expected contributors/facilitators, and indicate why EC-TEL conference attendees would participate in the workshop. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Workshop participants will need to register for the EC-TEL conference.

Enquiries and submissions should be emailed to the EC-TEL workshop chair:
[email protected]