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PROLEARN Academy Newsletter 26-11-2007

Nov 26, 2007

Dear reader,

this is the release of the weekly PROLEARN Academy Newsletter. With this approach we wish to inform you respecting the news in PROLEARN Academy about which are the new added elements, which are the events organized for the next week and some information about the projects registered in PROLEARN Academy.

*** News

Mobile Learning 2008: Deadline for submissions (extended): 21 December 2007
Sent the: 2007-11-25
IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MOBILE LEARNING 2008 Algarve, Portugal, 11 to 13 April 2008 (, CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (extended): 21 December 2007

i-TCE 2008 Full Paper Submission Deadline is Extended to 17 December 2007
Sent the: 2007-11-23

2nd Call for Papers: International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL) 2008
Sent the: 2007-11-22

Learn to Perform - Methodologies, Instruments and Tools for Knowledge-driven Organisations
Sent the: 2007-11-25

Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe
Sent the: 2007-11-19

There is additional information in

*** New Call For Papers

Special Issue of IJMLO on Developing Themes in Mobile Learning
Call-Art: Publication, Paper submission deadline: 2008-04-30
We invite papers for a special issue of Inderscience's International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization on 'Developing Themes in Mobile Learning'

First International Conference on Hybrid Learning
Call-Art: Conference, Paper submission deadline: 2008-01-15
Hosted by City University of Hong Kong Caritas Francis Hsu College Caritas Bianchi College In co-operation with IEEE Computer Society Hong Kong Chapter sponsored by Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Baptist Univesrity Hong Kong Computer Society

Call-Art: Conference, Paper submission deadline: 2008-01-28
Held in conjunction with the 20th IFIP World Computer Congress

Special issue on Knowledge Discovery and Management in Engineering Design & Manufacturing
Call-Art: Publication, Paper submission deadline: 2007-12-01
Last Call for Papers Special issue of the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing on Knowledge Discovery and Management in Engineering Design and Manufacturing

Special Issue on "Integration of Knowledge Management with E-Learning"
Call-Art: Publication, Paper submission deadline: 2008-03-15
to be published in International Journal of Internet & Enterprise Management (IJIEM) ISSN (Online): 1741-5330 - ISSN (Print): 1476-1300

ILE - Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Multimedia-enhanced Learning Environments
Call-Art: Publication, Paper submission deadline: 2008-05-01
Call for papers Interactive Learning Environments

International Workshop on Interactive Digital Entertainment Technologies (IDET 2008)
Call-Art: Workshop, Paper submission deadline: 2008-02-01
International Workshop on Interactive Digital Entertainment Technologies (IDET 2008), 15 – 16 July, 2008, Lanzhou University, China,

There is additional information in

*** New job offers

2 Ph.D. research positions in Search and Digital Library group at L3S

The L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany, invites applications for 2 Ph.D. research positions in the context of a new research projects which start in January 2008 in the Search and Digital Library group at L3S.

There is additional information in

*** PROLEARN Academy - Measure

Our auto observation tool for scientific communities contains at present 908 projects, of which 218 are newsfeeds, 91 newsletters, 333 web sites, 69 mailinglists and 197 blogs. The number of catched entries totals 37512 for the feeds, of which 4111 were retrieved last week. For the newsletters totals 2617 entries, of which 22 were retrieved last week, for the mailinglists there are 65235 entries, of which 370 last week and for the blogs there are 3586 entries.

There is additional information about the projects in

We are continuously enlarging our project database.

*** Last week were added 3 new projects. These are the following:

1 Web Pages
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2007)
Due to its potential to make learning easier, more convenient, and more effective, education is one of the preeminent areas of applications for multimedia.
  Category: N.A.; in English

2 Blogs
A research blog about information systems, technology enhanced learning, social software, communities of practice, web 2.0 and more
  Category: N.A.; in English
Mohamed Amine Chatti's ongoing research on Technology Enhanced Learning
A research oriented blog about learning management, knowledge management, communities & networks, Web 2.0, social software (social media), personal learning environments and me...
  Category: N.A.; in English