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Peter J Scott

by onusa last modified 2007-03-21 20:26

Dr. Peter J Scott. Head of the Centre for New Media at the Knowledge Media Insitute of the Open University. Dr Scott leads a large group of researchers who specialise on e-learning technologies..(

His research group prototypes the application of new technologies and media to learning at all levels. Three key threads at the moment are: telepresence; streaming media systems; and agent research. These threads will be a valuable contribution to the technology node. Dr Scott has a BA (1983) and PhD (1987) in Psychology. Before joining the Open University in 1995, Dr Scott lectured in Psychology and Cognitive Science at the University of Sheffield. He has a textbook in each of these subjects. He has managed over 15 major grants, and has over 40 research publications.

Dr Scott is on the board of the company Corous.Com, a wholly owned subsidiary of Open University World Wide Ltd., specializing in the development of corporate education and training portals. He has acted as an internet consultant to a range of multinational corporations. He is also the managing director of WebSymposia Ltd, an internet multimedia webcasting company.