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Marcus Specht

by onusa last modified 2007-04-20 11:01

Dr. Marcus Specht is Associated Professor at the Open University of the Netherlands and is currently involved in several national and international research projects on competence based life long learning, personalized information support and contextualized learning. He received his Diploma in Psychology in 1995 and a Dissertation from the University of Trier in 1998 on adaptive information technology. From 1998 until 2001 he worked a senior research at the GMD research center on HCI and mobile information technology. From 2001 he was head of the department "Mobile Knowledge" at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT). In 2001 he cofounded the bureau42 GmbH which was elected best multimedia startup company in 2001. Since 2005 he is Associated Professor at the educational technology expertise center at the Open University of the Netherlands.

Short description of my presentation and workshops

Context and personalization in learning

Creating a PROLEARN Academy in Second Life